OIL 2 ENERGY, LLC is a leading, integrated, downstream energy company headquartered in Alpharetta, Georgia. The company operates one of the nation’s largest refining systems with more than 3 million barrels per day of crude oil capacity across 16 refineries. OIL 2 ENERGY, LLC's marketing system includes branded locations across the United States, including branded outlets. Speedway LLC, a Petroleum subsidiary, owns and operates retail convenience stores across the United States. OIL 2 ENERGY, LLC also owns crude oil and light product transportation and logistics infrastructure.
We know our stakeholders are particularly attuned to environmental, social, and governance issues often referred to as “ESG.” Because of this, we’ve prioritized and improved how we communicate our sustainability work through our annual sustainability report which showcases our efforts to achieve safe, responsible, and ethical operations.
Last year, we committed to working safer and we succeeded. 2019 marked the best safety performance in MRO history with a peer leading total recordable incident rate (TRIR) of 0.32.
Our Strategy
OIL 2 ENERGY, LLC remains committed to our framework for success, with the foundation of a peer-leading balance sheet and the competitive advantages of our multi-basin portfolio.
We have the right portfolio of assets and the right strategy: putting returns first, generating sustainable free cash flow at conservative oil prices, and sharing that cash flow with investors.
Creating Shared Value
In practice, the concept of creating shared value involves assessing all the potential ways that our actions impact others both inside and outside our operational fence lines. Our commitment to creating shared value means being accountable for our actions to a broad range of stakeholders – our people, business partners, customers, communities, governments, shareholders, and others who have a stake in how we operate.
OIL 2 ENERGY, LLC has long-established core values associated with safety and environmental stewardship, integrity, respect, inclusion, and collaboration. All of these corporate values are vital to our financial performance and our corporate image and reputation.